Monday, November 24, 2008

Broke out the tights and mittens and hat...BRRRRR...

With temps not leaving the 20s and wind gusts in the 20s it was quite cold this weekend so I decided it was time to break out the tights and mittens and hat and I still froze!! wow, it was cold out there. I forgot how hard running in the cold and wind is, but I'll take it over the heat and humidity anyday! So I bundled up, and set out to do some Z3 intervals, and nailed them all. So I really can't complain. I'm trying to get my running mojo back. This time last year I was running easily 20secs faster in each zone than I am currently, and I was loving it. Ever since I hurt the ol' calf in May my running just hasn't been the same. So cross your fingers for me that my run mojo will come back. I miss it dearly.