Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ah, the joy of flip turns...

I'll admit it....I know HOW to do flip turns (have for a while now) but am too lazy to do them regularly, so I don't. Well, with the addition of the MAC pool into our Masters swim locations, I decided it was high time to add flip turns to my repertoire of swim abilities! MAC does not have gutters, nor low walls to grab onto, ekkk! I've almost thrown out my back reaching for the high today was a great day to work on the ol' flip turns, and I'll admit, it was fun and not that hard! We we're at MAC, though we were at Harvard's Blodgett and we had the WHOLE pool to our Masters group (read: 16 lanes!) so I had a lane all to myself and I decided it was time to break out the flips. Only had a couple water-up-the-nose incidents...and at the end I stopped doing them to be able to make my intervals, but overall I enjoyed the workout and the turns. Yippee...